Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Friday, March 8, 2013

Affirmation Websites

I found these great Affirmations Links that will help me meet a Bucket List and Personal Goals in healing myself through the saying and suggestions that I receive from the daily sayings and quotes.

Tomorrow will be a beautiful new day filled with amazing opportunities. 
As I sleep, my body, my mind, and my soul rejuvenates and 
prepares for this bright new day. 
So, when I awake in the morning, 
I will be refreshed and open to enjoying all of 
the amazing adventures that await me.

Every Day in Every Way
I am Freely Opening my Senses to the
Beauty in Myself and
Opening Up to All
the Beauty Around Me
and in all the People
I will Encounter

Today, I will concentrate on taking one steip forward, however small

I am creating healing energy in my life

I am healing deeply through powerful positive affirmations

  • - Life - Inner Peace - Enlightenment - Love - Relationship - Health - Self Esteem

I appreciate and treat my body like a temple which is housing my soul.

I accept the conditions of my life with love and self-appreciation.

I am connected to the source energy which provides me divine well being, infinite abundance and a powerful knowing of my abilities to attract and create positive outcomes in any situation.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Each Day is New

I am going to live my day to the fullest by enjoying every moment of it as I Mindfully; See, Feel and Touch everything that I experience throughout the day. I already started doing so; watching the cereal fill the bowl & filling my eye of the different textured shapes & colours, and by eating my breakfast so that I explored the taste and texture of each small bite of food which helped slow down my eating. I find that it also keeps me full for a longer period of time helping me lose & maintain my weight. There was much more to my eating schedule that makes me appreciate foods & liquids (especially water) and where it came from and how it was produced.  I will probably go into this in later posts about my opinions about organic/non-gmo/local/fair trade foods and how we need to take care of our water sources.

I am going out this afternoon and will be using my Mindfulness Practice, as I do my travel watching the clouds, trees, people, etc, when on the bus so I can see the beauty and complexity of the world around me.  I will be doing some Art today at a studio that offers many opportunities to do things like pottery, drawing, mixed media & much more but will not decide till I make it there and find out what rooms are available.   I've been drawing a lot lately but want to use my Archival Ink pens to polish things off because I really like the feel and visual concepts it gives to the art piece.  Plus going to the studio today will help my get out of the house and feel less anxious at being stuck inside the house all day.

Before going out I will be cleaning & organizing around the apartment which is one of the least favourite things to do in the day but is something that I have scheduled to do this morning than just get sucked into the internet and not do anything productive and have the mess make me anxious and depressed.  While doing so I am going to play some high beat music and again use every moment to explore my surrounds and have exercise at the same time.  Yes, housework is exercise especially to someone with inflammatory arthritis and brittle diabetes which I will explain in later posts. :)

Have a Great Day!!!!

Mindfulness Links:

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Don't Judge People

This is one area that I want to work on everyday because I have a bad habit of having an opinion about someone without really getting to know them. It usually stems out of how I think that person is thinking about me (reading their mind syndrome) which usually gets me to not make friends easily or at all.  This is one of my top goals in working on my personality and ways that I keep judging and not truly listening and learning from the new and old people in my life.