Showing posts with label anxiety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anxiety. Show all posts

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Affirmation Blogs

Here is some great Affirmations Blogs, Facebook and Twitter pages that I found on my travels:  Click on name to be sent to the link....


  • The Affirmation Spot - The website offers an ever-expanding library of downloadable mp3 affirmations and other audio motivation and inspiration for individuals seeking improvement in nearly any life pursuit.  
  • Ipopins - One minute Affirmations that are easy to use when you on the go, is the online source for mp3 affirmations. Change your Mind... Change your Life... One minute at a time!
  • Creative Affirmations - Positive affirmations are a declaration of truth. A truth you want to remember, a truth to live by, a truth to inspire or a truth to motivate. Said with repetition, habits form, and habits change lives!
  • Daily Affirmations from Linda
  • Jessica's Daily Affirmation

  • Daily Affirmations & Inspirations - Daily Affirmations & Inspirations is a positive place to come and share inspirational thoughts, messages, quotes and affirmations. Come start that day off with some positive energy!
  • Lets Inspire - Affirmations and Quotes - What do Quotes and Affirmations do! * Create Happiness * Inspire Ourselves * Are Positive * Encourage * Inspirational * They Comfort * Are Powerful So if you have a inspirational Quote or Affirmation share them with us ♥
  • Positive Thoughts and Affirmatons -  "My Commitment is to HELP as many people understand that our lives are the result of our Best Thinking. Change the Way you Think, Decide, Act and you can have ANY Life you Want" 
  • Anxiety Relief Affirmations - Powerful affirmations to change negative thought patterns to positive, life affirming thoughts that support and nourish you.
  • Hay House Daily Affirmations - An affirmation opens the door. It's a beginning point on the path to change. Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. Use these daily affirmations and create joyful, abundant life experiences with every word and thought. Click the link to read the full affirmation on


  • Daily Affirmations - Using powerful positive thinking techniques and positive affirmations, it is possible to achieve whatever you want!
  • Healing Affirmations - Follow us to get daily positive affirmations and beautiful, inspiring art from artist and writer Robyn Nola. ♥
  • Vital Affirmations - Positive Thoughts Affirmations
  • Daily Affirmations - We Tweet Positive Affirmations Daily. The most important conversations you have are with yourself.
  • Positively Positive - Inspiration-driven content. Articles to bring you into the best life. All in one place. 
  • Soulseeds Affirmations - Reminders of your divine abundance. Sow it in your mind. Plant it in the world.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Deep Breath & Try Again

from Sun Gazing -

Yesterday was not a pleasant day and I still have some anxiety today but I hope it does not get bad with catching it early with a better plan.  I drank to much coffee this morning which does not help anxiety but will be have chamomile tea soon which always helps me.  Plus it is a very sunny day and it will help with my SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), but also was under my light for an hour which always helps.  I am going to do some artwork today, work on my Bucket List and go for an extended walk in a park (maybe Central Park in Burnaby).  So like it says above, will Take a Deep Breath and Try Again so I can take small steps to meet my Dreams that I have put down on my Bucket List.

If interested in seeing what I put on my Bucket List and if you want to start your own, I highly recommend going to the following website: and see mine at

from Infinite Consciousness -

Saturday, March 2, 2013

I am starting to let go of my own reasons that I have become anxious to the the point of a panic attack is already being put together in my mind and I will start putting it down on paper to transfer it away from my brain.

Major Anxiety Attacks

Wow!  I'm feeling very very Anxious today and it feels like my heart & brain is about to burst, I'm extremely tired and starting to panic.  So I've decided to skip the family event and my mom seems understanding that I'm not doing so well and need this time to take care of myself.  If my writing is chaotic today is because my concentration sucks...

I am going for a short walk this afternoon to get out at least once even for at least 15 minutes and to listen to some calming and positive music and/or watch u-tube videos (meditation, quotes that go with music, etc...)

I know why I started to panic because my husband was not able to go to the event and he is a major support for me and at this time I need someone to keep me balanced.  Medications and other techniques will not help me and I will feel very trapped spending time with family.  My family are pretty good but do not have their support (I have my mom's support) with my mental health and physical issues which makes it hard for me to visit them.

It has been a hard few years for me and the last month I had medication changes for my Bipolar Disorder and I'm just starting to feel better.  Though my anxiety & panic attacks still happen from the smallest things and I need to take small steps to my recovery

Hope to feel better in the afternoon....  Wish me Luck!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Being Squeezed to Death

Another day of the Pineapple Express and it was raining harder than yesterday and expected to be like this all weekend. Hmm ..I hope to keep my emotions positive and that the outings I have planned will not be stressful free.   I'm going to a family event tomorrow attended by my parents, siblings and extended family, where I will bring a few coping strategies keeping me focused and calm.  Wish me luck! :)  A book to read, doodling & writing paper and my husband who is my biggest support.

Family events is the most stressful activity I encounter and makes me very anxious when left out of conversations and/or, if there is any heated discussions.  I am doing much better with my depression lately, but always have an escape plan if I can't cope and/or take a anti-anxiety pill which calms me down. I have alternative plans also which includes; escaping to a guest bedroom, deep breathing, meditation and listening to music on my MP3 player.

When I experience stress and anxiety; it feels as if a knot has developed in my chest and a wave of tightness spreads throughout my chest, down to my stomach and up into my neck.  It is like I'm being squeezed to death and everything around me seems like I'm in a dream state with halo's forming around people and things.

Well, I'll stop here and get ready for tomorrow....   See more below picture for Anxiety Information lnks...

Anxiety Information Links

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Each Day is New

I am going to live my day to the fullest by enjoying every moment of it as I Mindfully; See, Feel and Touch everything that I experience throughout the day. I already started doing so; watching the cereal fill the bowl & filling my eye of the different textured shapes & colours, and by eating my breakfast so that I explored the taste and texture of each small bite of food which helped slow down my eating. I find that it also keeps me full for a longer period of time helping me lose & maintain my weight. There was much more to my eating schedule that makes me appreciate foods & liquids (especially water) and where it came from and how it was produced.  I will probably go into this in later posts about my opinions about organic/non-gmo/local/fair trade foods and how we need to take care of our water sources.

I am going out this afternoon and will be using my Mindfulness Practice, as I do my travel watching the clouds, trees, people, etc, when on the bus so I can see the beauty and complexity of the world around me.  I will be doing some Art today at a studio that offers many opportunities to do things like pottery, drawing, mixed media & much more but will not decide till I make it there and find out what rooms are available.   I've been drawing a lot lately but want to use my Archival Ink pens to polish things off because I really like the feel and visual concepts it gives to the art piece.  Plus going to the studio today will help my get out of the house and feel less anxious at being stuck inside the house all day.

Before going out I will be cleaning & organizing around the apartment which is one of the least favourite things to do in the day but is something that I have scheduled to do this morning than just get sucked into the internet and not do anything productive and have the mess make me anxious and depressed.  While doing so I am going to play some high beat music and again use every moment to explore my surrounds and have exercise at the same time.  Yes, housework is exercise especially to someone with inflammatory arthritis and brittle diabetes which I will explain in later posts. :)

Have a Great Day!!!!

Mindfulness Links:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Rain & Shine

This is a great quote that I'm going to use as a inspiration for me on rainy and windy days...

“It’s not what happens when the sun shines that defines you. It’s what you do when it rains.”

—Kute Blackson

 I saw this on my facebook feed under: Positively Positive  ( found this quote helping me to get outside of the apartment for a few hours today...

More unde picture

picture from:

I made it out of my apartment and was pleasantly surprised to temporarily see the sun peaking from the overcast skies realizing that I would of missed it if I stayed inside.  I also enjoyed a cup of herbal tea (raspberry) at one of my favourite coffee stops and was able to handle my anxiety when someone came in and started talking very loud and made a bit of an disturbance.  I have learned in the past  to help my anxiety by doing the following: deep breathing, practicing mindfulness and/or listening to the radio on my cell phone and doing some activities like writing and drawing.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The best sic doctors anywhere!

This is a good way to learn a little about myself and the goals that I will be setting to improve my mental and physical health.  I have already met a few of these goals and then others I have re-introduce into my daily routine and make them habits once more.  The areas which I have already met is drinking water which is usually done through my water bottle and tea but know there should be some more improvement.  I am pretty close to have rest full sleep with between 8 to 10 hours but I am using medication to help me but hope to cut back to 1/2 a pill and then none by the end of spring.  I have a pretty good diet (following diabetic guidelines) and eating 3 meals a day with two snack periods which includes most of the food groups but lack in veggies most days.

The areas which I'm really lacking in because of anxiety are: sunshine (when we get it in Vancouver) but use a SAD light to help, air (stale inside air does not count) and exercise.  I use to go for walks a lot which helped me with sunshine, fresh air and moderate exercise because I use to go for 1/2hr or more.  I would like to improve my exercise by doing things that is greatly needed like stretching, chair exercises (to help with balance) and go to a community center to use facilities that I can use a stationary bike and go swimming.

I will have to tell you about some of the challenges that I have with seeing some of those great free doctors of mine that will help with my visits to my family doctor and Specialists.  Wish me the best! :)